Home IP Camera Mejore la Seguridad con los Sistemas NVR DAHUA: Soluciones de Vigilancia Avanzadas
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Mejore la Seguridad con los Sistemas NVR DAHUA: Soluciones de Vigilancia Avanzadas

Mejore la Seguridad con los Sistemas NVR DAHUA: Soluciones de Vigilancia Avanzadas

Mejore la Seguridad con los Sistemas NVR DAHUA: Soluciones de Vigilancia Avanzadas.En el panorama actual de la seguridad, es esencial contar con soluciones de vigilancia robustas y confiables. DAHUA Technology, líder mundial en videovigilancia, ofrece una gama completa de sistemas NVR (Network Video Recorder) diseñados para satisfacer diversas necesidades de seguridad. Este artículo se centra en las características y beneficios de los sistemas NVR de DAHUA, explicando su papel en un sistema CCTV integrado, su conexión con otros productos relevantes, los fundamentos de su instalación y sus aplicaciones prácticas.

Visión General de los Sistemas de Vigilancia DAHUA

El ecosistema de vigilancia de DAHUA está diseñado para ofrecer soluciones de seguridad de alta calidad, escalables y confiables. Estos sistemas son adecuados para una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde pequeñas tiendas minoristas hasta grandes sitios industriales. En el corazón de este ecosistema se encuentran los sistemas NVR de DAHUA, que garantizan una grabación, almacenamiento y gestión eficientes de videos.

Componentes Clave de un Sistema CCTV DAHUA

Un sistema CCTV DAHUA típico incluye varios componentes esenciales:

  1. Grabadores de Video en Red (NVRs): Los NVRs son el corazón de un sistema CCTV, responsables de grabar y gestionar las imágenes de video capturadas por las cámaras de red. Admiten la reproducción de video, el almacenamiento de datos y el acceso remoto.
  2. Cámaras de Red (IPCs): Estas cámaras capturan imágenes de video en alta definición y ofrecen características avanzadas como análisis impulsados por IA, visión nocturna y diseños resistentes a la intemperie.
  3. Dispositivos de Seguridad Adicionales: Esto incluye sensores de movimiento, alarmas y sistemas de control de acceso, que se integran perfectamente con los NVRs para mejorar la seguridad general.
  4. Equipos de Red: Enrutadores, conmutadores e inyectores PoE (Power over Ethernet) garantizan una transmisión de datos fluida entre las cámaras y los NVRs, manteniendo una red de vigilancia confiable.

Cómo Funcionan los Sistemas NVR de DAHUA en una Configuración CCTV

Los sistemas NVR de DAHUA son fundamentales para un sistema CCTV completamente funcional. A continuación se explica cómo se integran y funcionan dentro de la red:

  1. Grabación y Almacenamiento de Video: Los NVRs reciben las transmisiones de video de las cámaras de red a través de una red local (LAN). Codifican y almacenan estas transmisiones en discos duros internos o externos, asegurando que las grabaciones de alta calidad estén disponibles para su revisión.
  2. Reproducción y Gestión de Video: Los NVRs facilitan la reproducción de las grabaciones, permitiendo a los usuarios revisar y analizar eventos. Están equipados con interfaces fáciles de usar que simplifican la navegación y gestión de videos.
  3. Análisis de Video Inteligentes: Los NVRs de DAHUA están equipados con capacidades de IA, permitiendo análisis de video avanzados como detección de movimiento, reconocimiento facial y seguimiento de objetos. Estas características ayudan en la gestión proactiva de la seguridad al generar alertas en tiempo real y conocimientos accionables.
  4. Acceso y Control Remoto: Los NVRs de DAHUA ofrecen capacidades de acceso remoto, permitiendo a los usuarios ver transmisiones en vivo y grabaciones desde cualquier lugar a través de dispositivos móviles o computadoras. Esto es particularmente beneficioso para empresas con múltiples ubicaciones o para gerentes de seguridad que necesitan supervisar sitios de forma remota.

Instalación e Integración de los Sistemas NVR de DAHUA

Configurar un sistema NVR de DAHUA implica varios pasos críticos, desde la planificación y la instalación hasta la integración con otros dispositivos de seguridad:

  1. Planificación: Determine el área de cobertura y la cantidad de cámaras necesarias. Considere factores como el campo de visión, las condiciones de iluminación y los posibles obstáculos.
  2. Instalación del NVR: Elija una ubicación segura para el NVR, preferiblemente en una posición central para minimizar la longitud de los cables. Conecte el NVR a la red local utilizando cables Ethernet y asegúrese de que esté correctamente alimentado.
  3. Conexión de las Cámaras: Instale las cámaras de red en ubicaciones estratégicas. Conéctelas a la red mediante cables Ethernet o de forma inalámbrica. Utilice conmutadores o inyectores PoE para alimentar las cámaras y transmitir datos a través de un solo cable, simplificando el proceso de instalación.
  4. Configuración del Sistema: Acceda a la interfaz de usuario del NVR para configurar parámetros como horarios de grabación, resolución y opciones de almacenamiento. Los NVRs de DAHUA están diseñados con interfaces intuitivas que facilitan la configuración y el ajuste de los parámetros del sistema.
  5. Integración de Dispositivos Adicionales: Integre sensores de movimiento, alarmas y sistemas de control de acceso con el NVR para mejorar la seguridad. Esta integración puede realizarse a través de la interfaz de software del NVR o mediante conexiones físicas.
  6. Prueba y Optimización: Después de la instalación, realice pruebas exhaustivas para asegurarse de que todos los componentes funcionen correctamente. Ajuste los ángulos de las cámaras, el enfoque y los parámetros del NVR según sea necesario para optimizar el rendimiento.

Aplicaciones de los Sistemas NVR de DAHUA

Los sistemas NVR de DAHUA son versátiles y se pueden adaptar a diversas aplicaciones, incluyendo:

  1. Seguridad en Tiendas: Supervise las entradas, pasillos y áreas de cajas para prevenir robos y garantizar la seguridad de los clientes. Los sistemas NVR proporcionan grabación continua y opciones de reproducción para revisar incidentes.
  2. Seguridad Residencial: Asegure los perímetros, puntos de entrada y áreas comunes en complejos residenciales. Los sistemas NVR se pueden integrar con sistemas de automatización del hogar para una solución de seguridad integral.
  3. Vigilancia Industrial: Supervise grandes sitios industriales, almacenes y líneas de producción para garantizar la seguridad operativa y el cumplimiento de normativas. Los NVRs permiten la supervisión y grabación en tiempo real de áreas críticas.
  4. Seguridad Pública: Despliegue en espacios públicos como parques, calles y centros de transporte para monitorear actividades y mejorar la seguridad pública. Los NVRs facilitan la gestión centralizada de múltiples cámaras en diferentes ubicaciones.
  5. Infraestructuras Críticas: Proteja infraestructuras críticas como plantas de energía, instalaciones de tratamiento de agua y redes de telecomunicaciones. Los sistemas NVR aseguran que todas las actividades se graben y estén disponibles para revisión durante auditorías de seguridad.

Presentación de los Productos NVR de DAHUA

DAHUA ofrece una gama de productos NVR diseñados para satisfacer necesidades de seguridad específicas. Ya sea que necesite una configuración básica para una pequeña empresa o un sistema robusto para una gran empresa, los NVRs de DAHUA brindan la flexibilidad y confiabilidad que necesita.

  • Escalabilidad: Los NVRs de DAHUA pueden manejar numerosos entradas de cámaras, lo que los hace adecuados para instalaciones pequeñas y grandes.
  • Análisis Avanzados: Con IA integrada, los NVRs de DAHUA ofrecen análisis de video avanzados para mejorar las medidas de seguridad.
  • Facilidad de Uso: Las interfaces fáciles de usar aseguran que la configuración y gestión de su sistema de vigilancia sean sencillas y directas.

DAHUA NVR616DRH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.  Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports LCD screen, redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DRH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-32-XI 32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-32-XI 32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-128-XI 128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-64-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-32-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-128-XI 128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-64-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-32-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816H-XI  16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5816H-XI new-products

16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5816RH-XI 16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5816RH-XI new-products

16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832H-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832H-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832RH-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832RH-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864H-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864H-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 36 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864RH-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864RH-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 36 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832-XI  32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-XI 32CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5432-16P-XI new-products

32CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5416-16P-XI 16CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5416-16P-XI new-products

16CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5432-XI 32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5432-XI new-products

32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5416-XI 16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5416-XI new-products

16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-XI 16CH 1U 16POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5216-16P-XI new-products

16CH 1U 16POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5208-8P-XI 8CH 1U 8POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5208-8P-XI new-products

8CH 1U 8POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 8 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 8-channel perimeter protection; 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5216-XI 16CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5216-XI new-products

16CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5208-XI 8CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5208-XI new-products

8CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max.384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 8 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 8-channel perimeter protection; 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864-I/L 64 Channel 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64 Channel 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing

> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-I/L 32 Channel 1.5U 4HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



32 Channel 1.5U 4HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5216-8P-I/L 16Channel 1U 2HDDs 8PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



16Channel 1U 2HDDs 8PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-I/L 16Channel 1U 2HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



16Channel 1U 2HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5864-16P-EI 64 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5832-16P-EI 32 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816-16P-EI 16 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5864-EI 64 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5832-EI 32 Channels 2U 8HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 2U 8HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816-EI 16 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5464-16P-EI 64 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-EI 32 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5416-16P-EI 16 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5464-EI 64 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5432-EI 32 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5416-EI 16 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5208-EI 8 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 8 × 8MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-EI 16 Channels 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5232-8P-EI 32 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-8P-EI 16 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-EI 16 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3

DAHUA NVR5232-EI 32 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5208-8P-EI 8 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 8 × 8MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4816-EI 16CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4832-EI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4832-16P-EI 32CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4816-16P-EI 16CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4432-EI 32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4416-16P-EI 16CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4432-16P-EI 32CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4416-EI 16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116HS-8P-EI 16CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-8P-EI 8CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-P-EI 8CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-P-EI 4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116HS-EI 16CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-EI 8CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-EI 4CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116-8P-EI 16CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108-8P-EI 8CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108-P-EI 8CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104-P-EI 4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104-P-EI 4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.